[Extra - Tumblr]: Such a sexy shit.

Mello is such a little shit. There’s no wonder he’s on Kal Snyder’s dislike list. He’s basically just like:

 "Oh my brain has done so much work coming up with all these plans and ensuring the survival of you filthy worms. I’m just going to sit over here with my delicious bar of, only the best chocolate blackmail can buy, in my tight leather and look pretty much like the most sexy beast to have graced this dreadful planet. Snyder, please be a good dog and read out the names and you, Mr. mafia boss guy, write them down for me. I only have hands for guns, chocolates and dicks. And make sure you worship me once you’re done."


kotoko 눈_눈 ha dicho que…
*Traductor activado* me gusto lo que dice, lo poco que entendí.

dicks :3

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